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Make Mother’s Day marvellous!

Mother’s Day presents a massive sales opportunity for your venue – it’s the best selling date of the year, outside of the festive period. We’ve filled this page with fresh tips and rich data to help plan your campaign and get your gift shop ready.

Mother’s Day is celebrated on different days around the world, most commonly in the months of March and May.

So let’s make the most of Mother’s Day and watch your sales develop and grow

valentine's day illustration

Mother’s Day

A golden opportunity to maximise gift sales for this key gifting event.


biggest gifting event

of the year after the Christmas period and Black Friday weekend.


of sales

are Mother’s Day gifts during the week that Mother’s Day falls.

7 times

more than usual

Clients with a strong Mother’s Day campaign can sell up to 7 times more over Mother’s Day week.

2 types of buyers

On Mother’s Day, it’s not just sons & daughters buying gifts for their Mothers; there are also a lot of Dads buying gifts for their partners, on behalf of their children.


Children tend to buy afternoon tea experiences for their mothers, with or without champagne.

Children spend on average £90 on Mother’s Day gifts for their mums.


Partners will often choose a spa experience such as a spa day for one with a treatment and lunch.

Partners, however, will spend on average £158 on the mother of their children.

Popular Mother’s Day gifts

Ensure your photography and voucher name evokes the occasion.

It will help buyers make the decision to choose a voucher if the gift reassures them that this is the perfect Mother’s Day gift.
Offer packages with limited availability at better price, such as spa days valid Monday to Thursday or weekday afternoon tea experiences.

Bring buyers to your gift shop

Attracting visitors to your gift shop is key and is of course, vital to generating sales. Here are our top tips to do so.

Email your clients

Past buyers are more likely to buy from you again. Have your opted-in buyers database up to date before starting your next campaign.

Inspire on social

Mention your experiences can be purchased as gifts, add a Mother’s Day highlight with gift ideas, include your gift stationery in your photos, send bespoke gifts experiences to influencers, run a competition…

Best gift features

Share your special experiences with the press to be featured in Mother’s Day ‘gift inspiration’ articles.

Targeted ads

Widen your reach smartly with targeted ads. 


When should you start your Mother’s Day gifts campaign?


The majority of Mother’s Day gifts are purchased over the 3 weeks leading up to Mothering Sunday.

Start your campaign early enough and continue to inspire your buyers until the very last minute.

Bring your campaign to your gift shop


Here are the elements of your gift shop that you can customise for your Mother’s Day campaign. 

If you would like our help to set this up, please get in touch.

Click ‘Manage My Site’ or ‘Content’ in the Gift App to customise your gift shop for Mother’s Day.

Time for gifts

Over the week leading up to Mother’s Day, sales are, as usual, the strongest in the morning.

The Saturday before Mother’s Day will be the day with the most Mother’s Day gifts sales. Last year we had a spike of sales betweem 10am and 11am.

We see Mother’s Day gifts purchased up until Mother’s Day itself, thanks to instant email delivery. The majority of the last-minute purchases are made by children for their Mothers. 

Plan your emails accordingly to help optimise sales!

Give some love and care to your gift shop


First impressions matter and your gift shop deserves special attention to compete and inspire visitors. It’s your ‘shop window’, where you can draw people in and engage them with your images & copy, whilst showcasing the gift experiences that would make wonderful Mother’s Day gifts.


  • Add a relevant image and copy to the carousel
  • Regroup your best experiences for Mums under one filter
  • Upload special gifts

You’re able to do this yourself in the Gift App. (see how below).  And remember, you can set it up now, and schedule the activation to a later date.


Click ‘Manage My Site’ or ‘Content’ in the Gift App to customise your gift shop for Mother’s Day.

Create and edit your gift vouchers for Mother’s Day in ‘Catalogue Manager’ in the Gift App.

How to guides


All you need to know about the Gift App from creating a new gift to uploading new images or processing a complimentary order.

Log onto the Gift App and click onto the ‘How To Guides’ section.



If you need help, please contact us: