Happiness… It even has its own day now!

Happiness. It’s important, right? Throughout our lives we will all experience times of happiness and times of sadness. Whilst we might not be able to control everything going on around us, most of us would prefer to go about our daily lives with a smile on our face.

On Sunday 20 March 2016, in some corners of the planet, the world celebrated International Day of Happiness. Whilst its fan base might be small, the intent is well meaning and gives a chance to reflect on the important things in life.

Despite the worldwide success of Pharrell Williams’ song, “Happy” I must put my own cards on the table and disagree with the notion that happiness is in some way connected to a feeling “like a room without a roof”. For anyone who has undergone any home improvements, or even a spot of painting, a room without a roof strikes fear and panic into the heart of most.

A wise man, in this case Mahatma Ghandi, once said, “happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”.

What you do… How do you do happiness?

At SK Chase, we recently undertook a little research of our own and found that 93% of those surveyed had received an unwanted Christmas present and that 71% would prefer an experience to a material gift.

In the same survey, 65% had purchased the experience as a gift with the specific intent to create special memories. In an age where social media results in us living more anti-social lives and our dependence on 24/7 mobile technology and email checking… it is no wonder that many of us simply seek to spend a little precious time in the company with those with love.

So, what is it about giving experiences that resonates with people – both giving and receiving?

Do you remember the colour of those socks you got last year?

I would hazard a guess to say it is a little easier for you to recall a time you went for dinner at a fancy restaurant or shared a cup of tea one afternoon with a friend you hadn’t seen in a while.

Perhaps it was a day on the golf course heading down the fairways with the boys or simply lying head down on the therapist’s bed indulging in a relaxing massage or facial. Laughing, relaxing, and creating memories.

With a guilty level of experience in getting it wrong, I can say with some confidence that material gifts are often hard to get right, unless the recipient has specified exactly what they would like… but then where is the fun in that?

When you are next struggling to think of a birthday, anniversary or Christmas gift idea… the answer is often close by. Why not give the gift of time (with or without you) for an experience and opportunity to create a lasting memory for someone special.

For a little more inspiration, visit www.whatireallywanted.com, our luxury hotel gift voucher site.