Applying Context

So many choices. So many options. How do you create the Wedding of your dreams once it’s ‘real’ when there are so many decisions to make and each decision has so many options? The answer: apply a context and the decisions become so much easier.

Since I did this everything seems to have fallen into place quickly and easily.


SK Chase is a functional business. When I was going through my coaching on functionality I was introduced to using contexts. Contexts aid decision making. Essentially it’s one word that when applied correctly will help us decide the best thing to do. By applying a context we ascertain the ‘why’ piece rather than getting lost in the question or the ‘content’.


Heather reminded me about applying contexts last month in her role as head of Marketing. I write the monthly blog ‘News in…’ and it was starting to become quite long and probably to be honest something that is only interesting and an awesome read to us at SK Chase HQ. So Heather reminded me that the marketing context is ‘Focus’ and that by applying the context to writing the blog would help to add value to our readers, by mentioning only things that are relevant. By applying focus it made the blog easier to write as it made the decision about what to include easy and writing it became a joy again instead of a drag making sure everyone’s news was always added. I think that mentioning the context to my colleagues helped too as the news they were sharing with me for the blog became more valuable and they realised that it is ok not to share any news if it’s not relevant and wouldn’t add value.

Context in Communication

I also had a key learning about applying context at our latest team workshop on communication. Applying a context really frames up a conversation and brings true meaning to it. It also ensures the people involved are on the same page and have a meeting of minds in terms of where each other are coming from. A simple example of this would be if a colleague asked me a question and framed it up as wanted my opinion as legal manager or as service support manager – my answer could be very different depending on the context.

A Bride Using Contexts!

So after being reminded of contexts and seeing the results of it, I made the connection that I could use this to help with my Wedding planning. I had dreamed that I would get married in beautiful gardens we always used to visit on holiday in France. However, after I got engaged a few weeks ago and this conceptual idea became reality I came to the conclusion that this plan would not work. Everything that was important to my fiancé and I could not be realised if we went to France. The most important things to us is that all our family and friends could attend easily (ie – not have to plan a ‘holiday’ because we wanted to get married abroad), that everyone had fun and that the day was relaxed.

Without giving too much away once we set the date and I started applying a context of ‘relaxed’ – decisions became very easy and we have now booked almost everything for the Big Day. Holding a context of relaxed has also helped me with actually feeling relaxed. I don’t think you can plan to have a relaxed Wedding (it will be what it will be on the day) but if you plan a Wedding while you feel relaxed and with a relaxed attitude, it is more likely to be relaxed on the day.

Key Learning

So applying context has come up for me as an enforced key learning through work and in my personal life. It seems quite a timely reminder as we are about to embark on further coaching as a team to reach the next level of functionality. I’m really looking forward to getting stuck into that.