Ok, so where is he going with this, I hear you ask… but stick with me, there is a point to it!

Tiredness killsMost drivers will have seen the signs along the road intended to reduce the numbers of road traffic accidents, but have you ever considered taking this advice “off-road”. I don’t suggest suddenly attempting to use the Nissan Micra as a land cruising 4×4, but more how this simple message can be used in a wider context.

I joined SK Chase in mid-May this year and as my 6 months come up on the milometer (car analogies ending soon) I have been reflecting on my journey so far.

A new job is supposedly one of life’s most stressful events. The decision making process is often complex and for many, certainly me, involves the constant weighing up of pros and cons, apprehension of the unknowns and countless other thoughts… not always rationale ones. For me, I took time to consider the things most important to me and their value. Value beyond financial reasons, but emotionally, physically and the impact on those around me.

When it comes to the working environment, how often do we get consumed by the all-important, essential task in hand and neglect giving time to plan for what was a little further around the corner? With 24/7 communication noise and the need or expectation of immediate response, the luxury of time to gain some perspective and clarity to situations is scarce. However, when achieved, can reap big rewards.

In business, simply continuing to exist is not enough.

In the same way that an exhausted driver is a danger on the road, so it is true of tiredness with business. Slogging away in the same way, day in day out, year after year, is not only demotivating and uninspiring it also suffocates commercial success. Without taking time to stop, listen to what is being said and see what is being done, how can an organisation know which way to evolve and achieve more rewarding results… for the business, clients and its employees?

A recent article in the Huffington Post supports this, stating, “Fatigue: The Worst Possible Growth Strategy for Your Small Business”.

As a newbie into SK Chase, I am so pleased to see the investment committed into new projects and software development. Constantly striving to improve, building on a strong foundation, to further support our clients’ goals. However, it starts with a simple concept and one that each member of the team is responsible for. The importance of time. Having space to think is strongly embedded in to the culture of SK Chase. Not only is it hugely motivating and empowering, but by ensuring we have clarity to perform our roles combined with seeking and acting upon the feedback from our clients, is the only way we will get things right (most of the time).

I am far from perfect and, as I write this in the late hours, perhaps I should listen a little harder to my own advice. However, we all need a reminder from time to time and just as I was driving home following a client visit (and the road warning came in to view), I was reminded that my journey has only just begun.