We’re now just one week away from Black Friday, approaching what could be the busiest sales date of the year, in terms of gift voucher / certificate sales, for some luxury hotels.

We work with over 300 luxury hotels, based mainly in UK and in 2018 Black Friday recorded as the busiest sales day of the year. Venues with a successful Black Friday campaign achieved, on average, an astonishing increase of revenue 11x greater than any other Friday!


We noted that whilst some hotels have hugely successful Black Friday campaigns, other hotels don’t see a major sales impact on this date, even though they may have offers running. This got us curious! Which hotels have successful Black Friday campaigns (and which don’t) and are there common variables in these venues? What other insights could our data give us that could help our clients reach their gifting potential on this date, whilst simultaneously ensuring they’re not displacing higher tariff business, selling ‘the right gift experience, to the right customer, at the right time and at the right price’?


We returned to one of the ‘principals’ of marketing – segmentation and divided our collective data (from the 2018 sales of 300+ gift sites) into ten different segments, based on a number of factors, including the hotel’s location and its facilities.


To help our luxury hotel clients plan their 2019 campaigns, we created and shared a series of bespoke Black Friday Data Insights documents (depending on which segment their venue fell into), filled with creative tools, tips and data making the insights more focused, relevant and personal to each venue that we work with, including:

• How much revenue spiked for venues that had a successful Black Friday
• Types of gift vouchers & prices sold in lucrative campaigns
• Reason for purchase
• Gender split
• Gift voucher buying on Black Friday by hour

Here’s a snapshot of a few pages from a report.


In sharing this data, it’s our intention to embrace the technology that’s available to us for data analysis, whilst tapping into our natural inquisitiveness, that brings insight based understanding, leading to inspired action.

Data can inform and support us, but it’s the marriage between the data we have access to and a human element that gives us the biggest potential for original ideas, fresh thoughts, new insight and innovation.


We’ve embraced this as part of our service to all our clients this Black Friday, helping develop their gift voucher sales with our software and service, which includes providing personalised relevant marketing insights that lead to meaningful actions & increased conversions.