In today’s competitive market, luxury brands such as yours have to connect with customers in more creative ways than ever during the weekend sales bonanza of Black Friday – Cyber Monday.

Our cloud based gift voucher management system makes it very easy to create a promotional code for gift experiences available at your venue for Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday and its flexibility enables you to create an offer on your terms, without devaluing your brand.

Simply log onto your gift management system and click onto onto ‘Admin’ and then ‘Promo Code Manager’ to begin; there’s also a ‘How to Guide’ (on the orange tab to the right of your screen) that will walk you through the steps.


    • Select your preferred type of code i.e. a percentage or an amount off or buy X for the price of Y – perfect for corporate sales. Apply to just one voucher type you want to drive sales to, where you have a higher margin, or a specific category such as overnight stays, or indeed all your vouchers with just a few clicks.
    • Apply the code(s) to gift vouchers only over a certain value and therefore encourage higher spend.
    • Protect your margin by setting a minimum value that a buyer needs to spend before the code applies. The ‘Basket Min Value’ in the checkout is calculated by only adding up the value of vouchers in the basket that the promo code applies to. For example, if a code was created that gave the buyer 10% off all Spa vouchers, with a minimum spend set of £100, the buyer would need to have £100+ of Spa gift vouchers in their basket for the code to be valid.
    • The use of promotional codes on these days is an excellent way of engaging with your audience. You can create the right experience for the right customers, for example, by releasing a code to a segmented group(s) only, such as previous customers to reward, encourage loyalty and repeat business. Or by creating a code to share on your social media channels. Positioning your campaign will ensure you really are achieving a targeted audience, ripe for encouraging purchases.
    • Set the gift voucher availability to a limited number; limiting supply makes a product, service or experience seem more valuable, creating a ‘scarcity’ factor, so people take action quickly.
    • Make your offer time sensitive, creating intrigue and urgency.


These two big shopping days really kick off the Christmas buying season and present a HUGE opportunity for you in terms of your gift voucher sales, helping create brand awareness and more happy customers!

Can we help you in anyway? Please do get in touch with our friendly service team, either via email or by calling the number below:

T: 0344 371 0071