News in March…
Smile! The SK Chase team were all smiles yesterday as the marketing function had organised a photoshoot for everyone, so we can use the photos in our material, including our new website. Marc from Klaklak was our photographer. We had an awesome time and got some...
My Intent – to Connect
Kaye and I were having a coaching session a while back and I had a lovely realisation that I didn’t actually have to ‘do’ anything other than connect to myself. Whilst this may sound a bit obvious to some and perhaps a bit weird to others, I’m going to attempt to...
A New Start…
New Start – New Outlook Since starting at SK Chase on June 19th, I have absorbed an abundance of business changing frameworks and techniques, learnt company ins and outs, and attended some wonderfully insightful and inspiring team workshops. As a result, the...
It all starts with trust…
We’ve come to the end now of our ‘Together’ workshops (but really of course, it’s just the beginning). Together business At SK Chase we’re all aware that we’d like to work more closely together, and at the three workshops we agreed: What working together means (being...