Each month, we’d like to share what we are up to at SK Chase.

In August:

  • Jan, Ben and Catharine went to visit JEM Marketing (our fulfilment partner) and really enjoyed meeting the team there and seeing how our clients’ vouchers are actually fulfilled.
  • We have had some fantastic feedback from our partners and clients we’ve spoken to about our new product (P2) that’s in the pipeline and from this we have made some significant changes to what it looks and feels like!
  • Kate is preparing next financial year’s budget.
  • Catharine has been focusing on making the office & staff kitchen a clean, clutter free zone with a choice of refreshments and fruit available; and is running in the Glasgow River Rat Race on Sunday.
  • In IT we are working on our first development cycle with our new IT partner John Henry.
  • Heather is now responsible for Marketing at SK Chase.
  • Dani is focusing on the ‘Clustered Online Training WebEx sessions with online registration project’; we’re now in the implementation phase and bringing it to life 🙂
  • Steph is planning out the ‘Systems’ project, which will involve a review of our current systems and how they support us (or don’t!) as well as mapping out what we want from them in the future.
  • And a bunch of us are going out to soak up the Festival atmosphere and see a couple of shows – arranged by Ben!