We’re all very excited to start seeing the results of the planning we’ve put into the new system rebuild project. Ben shared that although we’re now pretty much done with the planning it’s all about managing deadlines and organising testing and the pre-release workflow, so he still has the system rebuild as a focal point in his project manager role.

Heather, in her role as marketing manager has also been focusing on the system rebuild project. She shared that the team have recently reviewed the new check out.  It has a clean, clear and intuitive design and buyers will only need to enter information that is required so they can move quickly through the check out and accomplish their goal (of buying a gift voucher!). It should be ready for testing in the next few weeks.

Kate is now focusing on the HR project. She is working through updating our staff handbook and P&P’s so that they are up to date with current legislation and in line with our culture

Budget time is coming round and one of Steph’s  focal points over the next couple of weeks is to really get a feel for what’s happening in the economy so that we can consider this as part of our budget planning process

With our two new recruits starting very soon, Kaye is working on their induction plans. And Dani is working on putting together P&P’s for the Client Services & Training functions so that everything is in place when they do start. We can’t wait to get to know them at our next team event where we will all be meeting up in Edinburgh and getting to know them over dinner and a (probably very competitive) bowling match!

And on a personal note;

Kate  went to Rockness for the first time at the weekend and really enjoyed it. The weather wasn’t great but she had her wellies and waterproof’s so was well prepared and there were no midges! 🙂

Dani is going to be attending the “Step into your Brilliance” workshop with Ariel & Shya Kane in Cambridge at the end of June and is also currently doing a coaching & mentoring programme with “Think Love” to learn about the different distinctions on the path to self love and inner peace!

Kaye got back to Italy safely and has just bought a wetsuit as she is intending to incorporate swimming into her exercise regime (and the lake is absolutely freezing!)

Jan thoroughly enjoyed her holiday down to Wales at the start of June, the family wedding was held at The Gregynog Hall, near Newtown, which was a lovely venue. But with it being so old you wouldn’t want to wander about at night on your own!

5 inches of mud!

Ben is just back from Download Festival and is still getting rid of the last aches and pains!   It rained almost non-stop for 3 days from when we arrived which magically transformed all grass, pathways and roads into a delightful muddy swamp.  There were many highlights but for Ben the best bit was watching Devin Townsend headline the 3rd stage. He’s a completely insane Canadian who makes the most incredibly bizarre music and utterly blew him away. Now that Download is done it’s only 8 weeks until his baby is due to arrive.  Ben and his wife feel they are doing quite well in their preparations, although are sure there’s loads they haven’t thought of yet.  Their ante-natal classes start next week.

Catharine is running the Seven Hills race this weekend 🙂 – a 15 mile race round Edinburgh including all seven hills – Calton Hill, Castle Esplanade, Corstorphine Hill, Craiglockhart Hill East, Braid Hill, Blackford Hill, Aurthur Seat.

Heather is planning her 6 year old twin’s birthday party. Check out the cool invitations!

And Steph has now moved into her new home and loving the extra space!  She and her family are getting to know their neighbours and there is a lovely community spirit in the village of Kirkliston. They attended the Gala Day on Saturday and the whole village was out to celebrate.