Each month, we like to share what we are up to at SK Chase.

In March:

  • We are delighted to have Catharine, who worked with us over Christmas 2010, back as a permanent member of our team, starting today! 🙂
  • The plan for our team trip has now been revealed to all of us and we cannot wait! We know we are going to have an amazing time with all the activities that are planned. It is guaranteed to be hilarious. 2 days of SK Chase let loose in London – look out London!
  • Every member of our team now knows their ‘personal intent’
  • Our new credit control procedure has been communicated to the team and will be implemented in April 2011.
  • Steph and Ben are making progress with our new technology partner by visiting the shortlisted candidates this month.
  • Heather has been working on a map for our website showing all our client’s locations.
  • Kaye is attending an Advanced Psych-K course in London at the end of March
  • Ben has passed another taekwondo grading and is preparing for the English taekwondo championships in a fortnight.
  • Dani has been on a detox this month and has not been allowed any sugar, wheat or dairy products. She has learned a lot about resisting temptation. So far so good though…
  • Jan has started work trying to transform her stony garden into a vegetable patch.
  • Kate has signed up to the Race for Life on 26th June in aid of cancer research. She has a target to raise £200. Please support Kate and give what you can to a very worthy cause by donating here.