News in January

Each month, we’d like to share what we are up to at SK Chase. In January, We all took all took part in a ‘Vision’ Day with our coach Fergus King from Shirlaws One of the things we agreed at our coaching session were our values, which are: To be...

Being you

Making friends, connecting with people, fitting in – can be a tricky business, especially if you feel a bit of an oddball at times in new social or work situations as I do 🙂 When we want a person to like us, or perhaps form a bond or business relationship with...

All about us…

Get to know the team at SK Chase and the roles we play, including the founders, Kaye & Stephanie. Kaye Taylor, Chair Stephanie Wilson, Managing Director Heather Rae, Business Support Kate Taylor, Finance Manager Daniela Eichberger, Sales, Marketing, Training &...

Together business…

Together business. That’s our tagline here at SK Chase – but what does it actually mean? We are a together business (i.e. we’ve got our act together and we know our own value). We work together with each other (we support each other within our team). We...