Can you switch off?
This month I wish to discuss work life balance. The subject of emailing out of hours has come up in conversation in the office a few times in recent weeks, which has sparked an interest in this topic for me. Is it possible in today’s fast moving society to...
Who wants to be average anyway?
Have you ever watched a talk online and been so inspired by it, that you watched it again straight away? A friend shared a TED talk by Shawn Achor called ‘The happy secret to better work’, and I LOVED it. As soon as I had watched it once, I watched it again 🙂 ‘The...
Starting to feel like home
My life has changed quite considerably in the past 8 months. Not only have I started a fantastic new job, I have also moved out of home into my first ever property. Moving & changing jobs came within just a few months of each other and I was aware that I was...
How to bring meaning
Prior to joining SK Chase, I came from a hotel background. Hotels are made up of many departments, involving lots of people working to different agendas. Of course the vision was always to provide outstanding service to our guests, however, the journey in how we...