Each month we’d like to share what we’re up to at SK Chase.

In July:

  • We are now on facebook – www.facebook.com/skchaseBy following us, you’ll be able to read advance previews of articles, such as ‘Customer is King… Or are they?‘, written by Kaye Taylor, one of the founders of SK Chase. We’ll also share our nuggets of wisdom about the hotel online gift voucher market and how to optimise gift voucher sales and we’ll post our social media tips for the hotel industry as we find them.
  • P2 (our new product!)  is hotting up a bit – we are tweaking the ‘concept’.
  • Our new & improved ‘Help’ tab on our gift voucher catalogues and portals is now ‘live’. It contains step-by-step ‘How to’ guides on every aspect of our gift voucher system letting our clients find what they need quickly and making their life so much easier.
  • Dani is working on a Training Project that will allow our clients to view upcoming training sessions via our website and will allow them to register and pay online for the training.
  • Kate our Finance Manager is preparing our Year 9 budget and is applying all her key learning’s from last year.
  • Catharine is currently reviving the PA function:  deciding on a context, focal points and designing the first few big projects. And she has been racking up the miles with her running.
  • Dani is just came back from a Creativity and Intuition workshop in Cambridge.
  • Steph is creating a training plan for her 10k run which is only around 10 weeks away!
  • Rural Italian living is suiting Kaye well – and she has committed to learning the language by taking up Italian lessons.
  • Ben is looking forward to the Edinburgh festival.  He has 19 shows booked over 4 days!

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