Who wants to be average anyway?
Have you ever watched a talk online and been so inspired by it, that you watched it again straight away? A friend shared a TED talk by Shawn Achor called ‘The happy secret to better work’, and I LOVED it. As soon as I had watched it once, I watched it again 🙂 ‘The...
The importance of ‘space’
‘Space’ and particularly the taking of space in relation to work, has been something which had really come into focus for me this past month. As a result of me delving a little deeper into this, I thought it fitting to then base this blog post on my...
A new beginning
After three and a half years of working with SK Chase, it’s time for me to slowly say good bye. I am moving back to Vienna, Austria to set up my own business where I will be holding workshops and creating empowerment tools for people that are on their own...
What a gift!
Receiving a gift voucher My husband and I were so grateful to receive some amazing and generous presents at our recent wedding two months ago. Among our gifts were some gift vouchers, some for shops, so we can choose what to buy and some for a specific use, even one...