It’s just another mighty Monday

It’s just another mighty Monday

Monday – the first day of the week may not be a favourite day in our minds, but they are generally the most popular day of the week for online shopping. According to Criteo (which represents a growing network of 15,000 advertisers across the globe and reaches 1.2B...
How we’re helping counter gift voucher cyber-crime

How we’re helping counter gift voucher cyber-crime

Cyber-crime is on the increase and no industry is immune as people devise increasingly creative methods to commit fraud. The UK lost almost £11bn to cyber criminals in 2016 and this figure is set to grow as offenders come up with more sophisticated ways to harm to any...
Tailor made training

Tailor made training

At SK Chase we create personable and bespoke training sessions for our clients, to inspire and build confidence in using our gift voucher software. Our software (and service) make it easy for hotels to sell & manage their gift experiences and we work with over 330...
Be happy!

Be happy!

Happiness… It even has its own day now! Happiness. It’s important, right? Throughout our lives we will all experience times of happiness and times of sadness. Whilst we might not be able to control everything going on around us, most of us would prefer to go about our...
The beauty of digital

The beauty of digital

Online shopping – where would we be without it! I really mean it, from organising flights and holidays to bargain hunting for clothes and even ordering food for dinner. It can all be done within a few clicks. As a consumer, the convenience of online shopping and the...